Music Therapy
Why I Want to Change the World with Music Therapy
Erin Seibert describes the profession of music therapy in detail and how it deserves to be a household name within the world of healthcare.
The University of Evansville Difference
- Freshman year practicum begins six semesters of varied supervised clinical experiences
- Music therapy faculty serve as professional mentors beginning in the first semester, teaching all core courses and supervising field experience
- Course work and practica experiences are combined throughout four years to thoroughly develop students' professional skills
- Faculty advisors guide students' preparation for a six month, full-time internship required after the completion of all courses
- Four years of applied instrument lessons with performing faculty culminating in a solo recital senior year
- Ensemble experience each semester including large ensembles and diverse opportunities such as string quartet, opera scenes, or Aces Brass Pep Band
- Comprehensive music courses in theory, history, conducting, guitar, piano, vocal techniques, and percussion
- A unique atmosphere of a small liberal arts college with recognized professional programs
- Small classes taught by distinguished faculty dedicated to the undergraduate educational experience
- Writing and communication skills emphasized as a core component of a high-quality liberal arts concentration
- Informative, interactive activities at regular meetings of the University of Evansville Music Therapy Association (UEMTA)
- Attendance at national, regional, and state music therapy conferences and workshops
- Participation in community service projects
- Distinguished alumni in the profession
- Nationally-known music therapy faculty
- Program approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)
- Curriculum accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
- Graduates prepared to take the national examination for the credential Music Therapist-Board Certified (MT-BC)
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Office Location
Room 133, Krannert Hall of Art and Music